
Friday, January 8, 2010

It has been about a month since I found out that I got hired with the MWR. Everything takes its sweet time in Pensacola. But I am happy to say that there has been some progress. I filled out all the paper work this morning.

One of the many sheets of paper that I had to sign was one stating that I don't know anyone who is planning to attack the U.S. Wait a minute...What?! Not saying I do know anyone...because I don't. But why in the world would anyone really admit that they do, when they are being hired. Clearly this form is not working because people are still sneaking into the system and attacks are happening. hmmm makes ya wonder who took the time to come up with that form and what better things could they have been doing.

I start training on Monday. Which is pretty cool since my sister leave on Saturday. So that gives me one whole day to enjoy my last day as just a wife.  What will I be doing? Probably catching up on all the blog reading I have been missing out on. Which leads me to my next thought. I would really like to comment more. At first when I started reading other blogs I didn't comment at all...this was all new to me and I am a shy person even when it comes to doing things online. But now that I am getting more comfortable and well sometimes I just love the things people say and I need to tell them right there and then that they are absolutly amazing to me.

 But I still find i don't always know what to say. I love reading about kids and families because I want some little ones of my own one day and I've always been a baby person. So I'll read something and think it's very interesting but not have anything brilliant to say. This is when I wish there was a button such as the one on facebook that I could check and say "Christine Likes it" Because that's truely how I feel and I want you to know I read what you write I just don't have anything to add. So I'm wondering am I the only one who feels this way? I suppose that will be my New Years Resolution as it's already the 8th and I haven't set one.


  1. The question isnt to find out if you know is the free the company of any responsibility if it should come out that you do know someone.

  2. Congrats on the job! And I agree about the "like" button. Even though I'm pregnant I know next to nothing about kids, so when others write about their kids I feel like I'm going to say something condescending or silly.

  3. I dont always know what to say either... and I have kids, haha. Maybe you should just type "Christine likes this" :)

  4. I agree, sometimes it is hard to know what to say! I had to "make" myself start commenting too!

  5. Congrats on your job and thank you so much for commenting! It does take awhile to get comfy!


  6. I know what you mean, but I've recently began trying to comment more also! Even this comment could have been left as "you're right!" but there's {almost} always ways to give your input.

  7. I know exactly how you feel. I am extremely shy and this whole blogging thing is very new to me, and half the time I'm wondering if people actually care about my comments. On the other hand, I love getting comments on my blogs, so I imagine that most people feel the same way.

  8. Hi there. Thanks for popping by our blog! And commenting. I know what you mean on commenting. I've started doing it more when I stop by someone's blog. It's fun making friends via blogging. And everyone loves comments, right?
